• BIST 10891.42
  • Altın 2529.106
  • Dolar 32.8951
  • Euro 35.7068
  • İstanbul 22 °C
  • Ankara 19 °C
  • İzmir 26 °C
  • Antalya 28 °C
  • Muğla 22 °C
  • Çanakkale 22 °C

Üç Türk gemisi Avrupa'da tutuldu

Üç Türk gemisi Avrupa'da tutuldu
Türk bandralı ZOPPUN Portekiz'in Setubal Limanı'nda 6 gün, AKSOY TRUVA İtalya'nın Venedik Limanı'nda 2 gün, AKCAABAT ise Portekiz'in Lizbon Limanı'nda 6 gün tutuldu.
Paris Memorandumu çerçevesinde teknik eksikliklerden dolayı Ekim ayının son haftasında 3 Türk bayraklı gemiden ikisi Portekiz biri ise İtalya limanlarında tutuklandı. Bu üç gemi ile birlikte Ekim ayında Avrupa Limanlarında tutulan gemi sayısı yedi (7) oldu.Beykim Denizcilik'e ait ZOPPUN adlı kimyasal tanker, Portekiz'in Setubal Limanı'nda altı (6) gün, Ufuk Denizcilik'e ait AKSOY TRUVA adlı konteyner gemisi, İtalya'nın Venedik Limanı'nda iki (2) gün, Karayel Denizcilik'e ait AKCAABAT adlı kuru yük gemisi, Portekiz'in Lizbon Limanı'nda altı (6) gün tutuklu kaldı.Ekim ayında tutuklanan 7 gemi ile birlikte, 2006 yılının ilk 10 ayında, Paris Memorandumu çerçevesinde, Avrupa limanlarında tutuklanan Türk bayraklı gemi sayısı 31 olurken, toplam tutulma sayısı 32'ye yükseldi.Konu ile ilgili görüştüğümüz uzmanların, DenizHaber Ajansı'na yaptığı açıklamada, Türk bayraklı gemilerin teknik eksikliklerden dolayı Avrupa limanlarında tutulmalarının, Başbakanlık Denizcilik Müsteşarlığının, 2009 yılında beyaz listeye geçmesi noktasında başlattığı çalışmalara büyük bir darbe olacağı ifade edildi.Özellikle 2007 yılında gri listeye geçmesi garanti olarak görülen Türkiye'nin bu tutulmalar sonucu, 2009 yılında beyaz listeye geçmesinin büyük sıkıntı oluşturacağı uzmanlar tarafından dillendiriliyor.ZOPPUNInspection details : Date of first boarding :19/10/2006Date of final boarding :24/10/2006Port of inspection :Setubal, Portugal.Type of inspection :More detailed inspectionNb of deficiency(ies) :31Nb of deficiency(ies) ground(s) for detention :8Duration of detention :6 daysShip's particulars at the time of inspection : IMO number :7922128Name :ZOPPUNFlag :TurkeyCallsign :TCOE9Ship type :Chemical tankerGross tonnage :3541Keel date :1979Classification society :- Class certificate issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boardingStatutory certificates : - Load lines certificates  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)- Poll.prevent.noxious liquid subst  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)- International ship security certificate is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL)- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC) last survey in Turkey on 14/07/2006 by Det Norske Veritas (DNVC)- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 10/07/2006 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Turkish Lloyd (TL) last survey in Turkey on 05/04/2006 by Turkish Lloyd (TL)Ship manager- BEYKIM PETROLCULUK, BARBAROS BULGARI Nº 42/9 ESEN APT. 80700 BALMUNCU, Istanbul, TurkeyAreas inspected : - Accommodation and galley- Engine and steering room- Navigation bridge- Outside decks and forecastleOperational controls carried out- Communication equipment- Emergency fire pump- Emergency steering- Other- 15 ppm OWS testedDeficiencies : - Accident prevention (ILO147), Warning notices- Accommodation, Sanitary facilities- Alarm signals, Other (alarms), Other, ground for detention- Crew certificates, Certificates for master and officers, Invalid, ground for detention- Crew certificates, Records of rest- Fire safety measures, Fire detection , Inoperative, ground for detention- Fire safety measures, Personal equipment- Fire safety measures, Personal equipment- Gas and chemical carriers, Instrumentation, Not as required, ground for detention- Gas and chemical carriers, Personal protection, Not ready for use, ground for detention- Gas and chemical carriers, Special requirement- Gas and chemical carriers, Special requirement- ISM related deficiencies, Development of plans for shipboard operations, Incomplete, ground for detention- ISM related deficiencies, Maintenance of the ship and equipment, Incomplete, ground for detention- ISM related deficiencies, Resources and personnel, Incomplete, ground for detention- Life saving appliances , Stowage of lifeboats- Load lines , Doors - MARPOL annex I, SOPEP- MARPOL annex II, Cargo record book- MARPOL annex II, Cargo record book- MARPOL annex II, Ship type designation- MARPOL annex II, Ship type designation- Operational deficiencies, Manuals instructions, etc.- Operational deficiencies, Manuals instructions, etc.- Radiocommunications, MF/HF radio installation- Safety of navigation, Charts- Safety of navigation, Lights, shapes, sound-signals- Safety of navigation, Magnetic compass- Safety of navigation, Nautical publications- Ship's certificates and documents , Continuous synopsis record- Working spaces and accident prevention, Electrical AKSOY TRUVAInspection details : Date of first boarding :20/10/2006Date of final boarding :21/10/2006Port of inspection :Venice, Italy.Type of inspection :More detailed inspectionNb of deficiency(ies) :3Nb of deficiency(ies) ground(s) for detention :1Duration of detention :2 daysShip's particulars at the time of inspection : IMO number :9168697Name :AKSOY TRUVAFlag :TurkeyCallsign :TCISShip type :ContainershipGross tonnage :4529Keel date :1999Classification society :- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boardingStatutory certificates : - Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)- Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV) last survey in Turkey on 10/09/2006 by Bureau Veritas (BV)Ship manager- UFUK DENIZCILIK, Refik Saydam Caddesi 8, off Simai Sokak Sishane-Beyoglu, Istanbul, TurkeyAreas inspected : - Engine and steering room- Navigation bridgeOperational controls carried out- Emergency generator- Emergency steeringDeficiencies : - Life saving appliances , Rescue boats, Inoperative, ground for detention- Propulsion & aux., Cleanliness of engine room- Propulsion & aux., Other (machinery)AKCAABATInspection details : Date of first boarding :18/10/2006Date of final boarding :23/10/2006Port of inspection :Lisbon, Portugal.Type of inspection :More detailed inspectionNb of deficiency(ies) :7Nb of deficiency(ies) ground(s) for detention :4Duration of detention :6 daysShip's particulars at the time of inspection : IMO number :9372846Name :AKCAABATFlag :TurkeyCallsign :TCOM4Ship type :General cargo - multipurpose shipGross tonnage :4910Keel date :2004Classification society :- Class certificate issued by Bureau Veritas (BV), classification society responsable for issuance of class certificate as at date of first boardingStatutory certificates : - Document of compliance (DoC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)- Safety management certificat (SMC) is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)- Oil pollution prevention (iopp)  is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)- International ship security certificate is issued by Bureau Veritas (BV)Ship manager- KARAYEL GEMI INSAA VE DENIZ, ATATURK Cad No.15, Kat:3, KARAMURSEL- KOCAELI, TurkeyAreas inspected : - Accommodation and galley- Engine and steering room- Navigation bridge- Outside decks and forecastleOperational controls carried out- Communication equipment- OtherDeficiencies : - Crew certificates, Certificate for rating for watchkeeping- Crew certificates, Certificates for master and officers, Not as required, ground for detention- Crew certificates, Records of rest- ISM related deficiencies, Resources and personnel, Missing, ground for detention- Operational deficiencies, Muster list, Not updated, ground for detention- Ship's certificates and documents , Cargo ship safety radio (including exemption)- Ship's certificates and documents , Log-books/compulsory entries, Missing, ground for detentionDenizHaber.Com-Özel
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